Gabriella had her actual 4th birthday. She asked for a rerun of last year's swimming pool cake. I obliged, but all my little helpers added the Teddy Grahams in Life Savers rings this time out and well -- the pool is crowded! She's in a leotard because her ballet/tap class began that very same day.

Then it was time for her to begin her final year of preschool. She's in the 4's. she (finally!) goes five mornings a week. She and Livi are in the same class and would rather share one chair than sit in two separate ones. I don't think they have noticed any of the 13 other children in class!

We spent the Labor Day Weekend at Carolina Beach. We are still searching for the one that will be "our" beach. This one is right up there on the list. We're hoping one day Daddy will just go ahead and buy us a sweet little oceanfront condo....
The last week of this Track of school was crazy for us. Sophia's class ended the "Bug" unit with a party thrown by the Moms. They made cute bug hats and played Bug Cracker Bingo and made ants out of graham crackers and really -- it took no time at all to clue pom poms and chenille stems together for my "Pin the Spider on the Web" game. (!)

We followed that up with a field trip to a nearby Nature Park to learn even more about bugs. I can not tell you how excited I am that I will have the opportunity three years in a row to dig my net into pond muck and pull out dragonfly nymphs with my bare hands. Wow!

Our grand finale was the School Fundraising Walk-a-thon. We raise tens of thousands of dollars by having the kids walk around the track. Sounds odd. It is very effective however. I made the banner for Sophia's class -- it kept with the Bug theme.

And this blur is my future Olympian, Francesca. Sbe told me that no matter how hot it was, she intended to jog the entire Walk-a-thon. And she did! 11 laps! I joined her for one lap and she was very focused on her game. That's my girl!

So, that's about it! You are all caught up... We spent our last afternoon at the pool today for the season -- Fall must be coming. Our Track Out Adventures are about to begin so stay tuned!
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