Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Festive Fourth

Happy Fourth of July Weekend! I am throwing in the towel on Typepad (since my Internet Browser and my Anti-virus Software formed some kind of deadly alliance that prohibits most photo posting!) and I am back where I began -- on Blogger!

The holiday weekend brings us to the end of our Summer School "Track Out". Monday morning we head to First Grade and Summer Camp. And then on Thursday we dip our toes back into Kindergarten!

This weekend was low-key. I ran the Great Raleigh Road Race on the 4th -- a 2 year tradition for me. I took almost 3 minutes off my time from last year, so I am feeling good about that. Uncle Frankie and Auntie Robin hosted dinner on the 4th. (An affair that has grown so large it now requires two tents on their driveway.)

Frankie cooked up 15 pounds of pork, 2 Cornish Hens and hot dogs on the mid-life crisis grill. A few beers, some bubbles and we were home in time to see some neighborhood fireworks.

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