It is finally Sunflower Season here at the ranch. Much of the crop was snack time for those &$%#@$ deer that believe "My house is your house". But some strategic planting combinations did save one particularly mammoth row of the gigantic flowers.
I have this picture of one flower , and the bees feasting in on it, because Sophia dragged me outside at 6:30 in the morning insisting we take a photo to add to an insect photo collection being created at school in the Media Center.
It was a good stopping point for me in a week that included:
-A new battery for the CAT (Carla Area Transit) Bus (really -- how long do those things last these days???)
-A new spring for the garage door( when the old one snapped it could not only be heard from here to Fuquay-Varina -- it trapped the cars behind closed doors for an entire day -- thus trapping us in with it!) And again, I ask how long should those things last?
-A 101 degree fever accompanying the Kindergarten Krud that kept some of us at home for days.
-Never-ending PTA Open Houses (are all the tracks finally back in???)
And of course the entire list brought my training to a near-halt.
So I'll try to remember and stop and admire the sunflowers. Even if I'd rather admire them at a more respectable hour than my oldest early-bird will allow!