The landscaping is underway at the new homestead! Joe and I worked within the guidelines (mostly!) of the package to select the plants we wanted and we drew a schematic of the yard for placemat. This would be the first time a homeowner has had any input into this process here. No one besides us has ever cared! Joe was a little brutal during plant placement and I kept hoping for an accounting emergency that would take him away....
Anyway -- the backbones of our eventual gardens are in and I'll have gardenias all around the front door for sweet Southern fragrance next summer. Ahhhh.
Here is the only meandering walk in the 'hood -- with double the liriope allotment!
We have the only Weeping Willow and the only Yochino Cherry to date in any of the three "phases". See why they are anxious to finish with us?
Next up: sod. Can't wait!